
Spring is Here, Spring is Here

Monday, September 29, 2014

Seed Collecting

I am this collecting for the first time seeds...So far this year I have collected the little bulb lets on my tiger lilies, I am sorry I don't have a picture of them on the plant....but here is a picture of them and what they look like...
these are what the seeds look like

After I collected them I put them in a Ziploc type bag and put them in the frig, note be careful with this sometime the bag does create moisture inside, I think that is what happened to the daffodil seeds I collect as I used the same steps as here...the seeds were very moist, maybe it would be best to put the seeds in a paper envelope instead. I have kept the seeds initially in the frig for little over two weeks. then....

                                           I planted them very shallow in a pot of dirt,
                                        I also put a plant tag so I will know what they are
I put a plastic bag over them and set in the shade, after of course watering the pot.
I have used a white plastic shopping bag...

these were my first  plantings of the seeds  as you can see I do have some sprouting up, have since took the bag off of the pot...I have read somewhere on the web, don't exactly remember where that it takes a couple of years to get a bulb of these, I have not checked on how the root system is on these.

Here is a Rose of Sharon shrub sprouting up...I used the same method as described above with it...I have read that the seeds you take from the Rose of Sharon's shrub are not always the color of the flower you took the seed off of...unless you only have one color or one  kind of Rose of Sharon and the bees don't have access to any other colors or kind of Rose of Sharon....I have pink, purple and white ones and even have one that all three color on it...
I did pick up a cutting from a double Rose of Sharon shrub the other day....hopefully it start rooting.
                          Thought you might enjoy some picture from the garden as well

                                               This bed is about ready to plant...

One of my yellow roses are not giving up on summer just yet.

A new found mum I forgot I had

Got these last year...

Just a picture of two of my gardening buddies
Trixie and Tux
Both Chihuahua, mother and son

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Rose of Sharon seed collecting

I am sorry about the blurriness in the pictures, I know I need a new camera...hopefully I will get a new one for Christmas...have asked for one
This is one of my Rose of Sharon`s...I have tried with seeds from last year from another one of Rose of Sharon`s and the seed did grow...I took the seed pod off the plant, like I said in a previous post I am now more in to gardening...so anyways, I put the seeds in the frig for a couple of weeks , then planted them and they came up, so have started to harvest or collect seeds from the Rose of Sharon shrubs...

                                                                  Just some of the seed pods

Picture of the open seed pods, looks somewhat like a star!

Here are the seeds I have collected so far, I will count these out and put into individual packet or envelopes, like I have done the Holly hock seeds
I collected over 500 seeds of the pink hollyhocks. they are in individual packets of mostly 100 seeds...They are for sale, if anyone would like some just shoot me a E-mail and can price them for you and send you some...
These Rose of Sharon`s seeds will be for sale as well as soon as I get them all package up.

Monday, September 22, 2014

plants I have added this year...

the last ones I have added is these shrubs
Henni just had to check them out for herself.
She likes this one..

She like the color of this one but not the thorns
Crimson Barberry shrub

I have added some more mums ...a deep red, a lavender one( this one is different in color to my purple), a white, and last a bronze....The farm is named after Henni...My hubby came up with the name...
                                                      so here goes the other new plants/flowers
The one on the left was  one of my mother`s day presents...I have one area of the garden that I am trying to plant just yellow...
The one on the right was a clearance item, got it a store that was going out of business, it started to come up after I planted it, so hopefully it will come up next year...if not I want to try and find this daylily for the middle portion of my garden...the daylily is named Strawberry fields forever, the middle garden is name Strawberry fields, even though it isn't a field.

The one on the left was a clearance item at dollar general and it has bloomed, but not the color shown on the picture , It is a yellow ,name of this daylily is Catherine Woodbury...would like to find this one as well, since this is not what this daylily is..I think it might be a Stella de oro daylily
The one on the right is also a item that was on clearance Pardon me, it has not bloomed, but then again I divided it into two...hopefully it bloom the color on the picture as I planted a showfire tea rose between them...which is also new, another mother`s day present..Its a red and white rose.

The one on the left was a mother`s day present as well....it is planted in my orange, red area...along with my first climbing rose...in which is a red,orange combination of colors, it hasn't done that good this year on that side of the clothes line pole...the Medallion I am happy with, it has done good this year...
The one on the right was clearance item as well...Can you tell I love clearance plants....it started off good, but since I have moved it , hopefully it will do better in the area I moved it to, it has more shade now.

I just included this one it is planted in my daylily bedit is called cherubs smiles, my oldest daughter picked it out

 This one didn't do very good, hopefully it will come back, the heat got to it, I think....

this was another clearance item, and will move it to a more shader spot.

the one on the left, I have gotten in the past but has been lost in the bunch of irises and has never rebloomed...it is called fall fiesta, and I decided I needed some orange in my yellow bed area, I planted these Daydream tulips I have also planted a few more clearance daylilies, Cherry Candy ( so wanted to make a bed with nothing but Candy named flowers, but didn't get to this year, maybe a few years down the road), El Desperado, Rosey returns, going bananas, Cameo princess, Always a Pleasure....have also added some succulents to my garden as well a few different sedums and some yellow hollyhocks, I bet you can guess where they are planted at....that's right in my yellow bed...planted right in front of the sunflowers.
I cant wait until next year to see the hollyhock in bloom and will be planting more sunflowers as well.

These are a couple of the fruits I added this year...the Strawberries didn't come up that I planted , but found some more on the local swap line and added a couple more grapes that was on clearance a concord and another himrod, I would like to find one more grape , a red one, but not this year...I have added so much this year to my garden spot...and have learned so much...
I would like to add some a few more irises and maybe some tulips or daffodils, ....I am wanting on the clearance sales...to add them...also would like to add a spider mum as well, but haven't seen any of them, last year I seen some, but this year I haven't seen any except in the plant catalogs...
maybe I will get chance sometime this coming week to look again..

These are just the new plants, not counting the ones I moved to my garden spot this year...

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Where do I get my plants?...

You may ask where do I get most of my plants that I have right now.

When we first moved here, their was already some Rose of Sharon`s and a old fashioned lilac bush here...and also a few irises here as well. the other rose of sharons I have, I have gotten over at my moms...she has them in her yard, white ones. I dug up a few young ones and a white has is one of those I dug up....in which the young little sprouts you never know what color you will get...until they bloom out....

This color irises were already here, I love irises , so have tried and picked up a couple of them each year. When I have in the past of course I didn't map out where I put them at...have just started doing that this year, not that I haven't had a map of my garden, but now am including the irises and other flowers as well..
Have also gotten some of my irises on clearance or along side of the road...and some I have paid full price for. Of course I wished now that I had put them in a certain place and wrote down the names of them....

I do have a lot of purple irises.

These mums I got a few years ago at a local store that was throwing them away, I just asked and they said they were throwing them away and I got some of them....and now just look at them....These are the same ones I took cuttings off of this year and rooted....

                                             got 3 barberry shrubs last week for free

                                got 2 of these shrubs for free, am thinking they are euonymus.

and some mature Rose of Sharons for free as well....
Well that about sums up where I get my plants at...I hope this helps someone out on where to start getting plants at for their home garden...by the way I love clearance plants, they may not look the best , but with some TLC they do come out of it , most of the time...especially those perennials....They come back looking better the next year.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

How I compost...

What I use for compost is mostly kitchen scraps....coffee grounds. I use the filter and all...egg shells, veggie scraps( tomato , onion, celery, mainly thing that are from the frig that are not good anymore )...
When ever I make a lettuce salad, I take the onion scrap and tomato scrap and put in my containers that I have in the house...in which is nothing fancy a old coffee container, I would say can but since its made out of plastic.....

I also put other things in my garden beds....such as
                                                droppings from the rabbits...good for gardens

                                            Muscovy duck droppings, they free range

                               plus cleaning out of my chicken coops....of rather pens...
     plus some mulch......
I just pick a bed and just put the compost in that bed each time I empty or clean out under the rabbit, or clean the chicken coops...in which I try and clean the chicken coops twice a year....I also have a few that free range year around and they have excess to my garden as well....The cleaning out from under the rabbits, I usually do once a week....
doing these things have done my garden very well....Besides I do from time to time I do pick up some bags of top soil and add that as well....

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Changes thru the years...

My garden spot has gone thru a lot of changes ...At the beginning....we tried to have the area plowed, but needless to say that did not work....too many rocks...the person we hired broke his plow trying to plow up the ground......so Raised beds is how my garden is....

At first , I had three 4 x 4 beds here....and  as you can see some tulips there in the middle...you will see further down the bed they were in originally...

I decided one way to keep the grass from coming up between my beds was to lay down mulch that a local construction company had mulch up and along our county road...I asked for a load of it....
Needless to say that didn't work very well...

Since my garden in somewhat on a hill, I decided to use the rock I picked , or dug up and put them in containers made from old chicken wire...got the idea one day coming back from St Louis...the road department does it along the highways....why not ?...This bed is now build up more...

one of the first beds just for veggies

This bed was originally in the yard and not in my garden area...it too as been a veggie garden, but now is a Strawberry bed and in my garden area.

This is one of the original beds....yes, that is a barbeque grill. it is no longer in this bed and up against a tree, thanks to a storm that rolled thru here...I moved it to the tree....right now nothing is planted in it.

I added this last year. On each side is a climbing rose bush...its a old clothes line poles

Beginning of this bed..... now The climbing rose is planted as well as a miniature rose...and some irises and some marigolds....at one time I have had pole beans planted here as well

the beginnings of this bed ,that last year my hubby decided he didn't want any irises in the front yard....I had a clump of them planted all together in the front yard...I had them planted here, but now they are not...they are planted elsewhere...
I tried planting some cannas here , but they didn't do very good, so I plant them elsewhere as well....My mom plants these every year and digs them up as well in the fall and brings them in
Now for what my garden looks like now.
This is what the first picture looks like now...the beds except for one thing...Carpet.

This area has been added this year...

This is the original area...notice the carpet...it has worked for keeping the grass down between the beds.....
I have added quite a few things this year...my garden is always changing and am coming up with new things, or plants...like this year I have added some Daylilies and some roses ...and some shrubs...I hope you enjoy my garden....

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

starting out....

I had another blog for a couple of years now....I just decided I would make a new one...and Blog about my trials and successes on my garden...Have started this year in starting a plant nursery of sorts...I know I started late in the year...for this new adventure, but hey you have to start sometime...

What sparked my interest on this venture...is, I wanted a goat and funds are very limited here, I mean very limited here and the person the had the goat was willing to trade for some plants or starts of plants....We couldn't make a trade, but then I thought maybe just maybe some one might want to pay for some plants or rather starts that I have....So I posted on Facebook and asked if anyone would be interested in some Rose Of Sharon Starts
So I got responses....so I potted up some starts of Rose of Sharon shrubs

                                                                and sold all of them

I couldn't`t get to everyone that that wanted some....So I looked around on Youtube and google ways to start plants from cuttings.....I found a few ways to try....So I tried one way that I seen ...people were having success at rooting the cuttings....so I tried...
I have so far rooted cuttings from mums, Rose of Sharon`s, Creeping Thyme, Lavender, and a few more.....

I also dug up some daylilies, I had and sold everyone of them as well....The above picture is some of the potted plants I had up for sale this year...most are gone.....at Least all of the Rose of Sharon`s, except for one that I finally got to take root and one that I started from seed....who knew you could start them from seed.
The season is winding down...but I am learning the art of collecting seeds as well and selling them as well...Have sold some pink Hollyhock seeds

I will try and post something everyday about gardening here in the Ozarks...or rather my dapples with gardening....and exploring this new aspirations of it anyway....note: I always loved to play in the dirt....and the hands do itch to get in the dirt before spring.....Well I think that is enough for the beginning of this blog