
Spring is Here, Spring is Here

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New year

From Henni and I and the rest of gang here at henna hills farm ....have a happy new year and may your thumb be green for this new year...

Monday, December 29, 2014

Designing a flower bed

My garden has gone thru a lot of transformations..
I don't know if you can see this very good.
This is Strawberry fields area of the garden.....I know the topic is designing a flower garden I will get there.
now to let you know what is planted in each bed of this drawing.
  1. in bed one is planted mainly mint, sweet, chocolate apple
  2. in this bed are tulips, Easter lilies,
  3. mums, onions, iris, garlic, marigold
  4. mums
  5. crepe myrtle, iris, tiger lily
  6. herb/flower bed( this is one of the bed I will be talking about later)
  7. herb/flower bed( this bed as well)
  8. Toilet. didn't have anything planted in yet
  9. Easter lilies
  10. Red/pink bed, peonies, pink peace rose,cannas
  11. Yellow/orange Cl piñata rose, marigolds
  12. orange/orange Piñata climbing rose
  13. veggies,
  14. veggies
  15. veggies
  16. rose of Sharon, Easter lilies
now to the designing the beds
First off I have a black canvas so to speak. A empty bed. When I first started my garden area was simple like the above picture, except for all the rocks and glass and other things I have dug up

these are the two beds I am talking about in this post
I started looking thru books with different flower bed designs, checked out some at the library. Then I decided on 2 designs I had seen in a book my mom had...Sunset Herbs, An Illustrated guide.
.I know I have the picture but I still draw it out.
Here are a list of the plants that go along with the numbers and alittle about each
  1. Rue, ( I have never heard of this)....might make a blog post about this one later
  2. Purple Coneflower, have heard of this
  3. Lavender, English
  4. Feverfew( another one never heard of)
  5. Orris root ( iris) have heard of iris but have ner heard it called orris root before
  6. Germander ( another one never heard of)
  7. Oregano, heard of this
  8. Catmint
  9. Betony , Wooly, never heard of
  10. Cottage pink ( dianthus)
  11. Thyme, silver
  12. Thyme, lemon
  13. Hysopp, never heard of
  14. Anise hyssop, never heard of
  15. Tansy, never heard of
  16. Fennel, Bronze, never heard of
  17. Wormwoood, never heard
  18. Sage, purple
  19. Rose, Apotlecary
22. Peony Festivia Maxima
23. Daylily, stella de oro
24. Daylily, Catherine Woodbery
25. Sedum, autumn joy
26. ladys mantle
27. coneflower
28. Spirea, Anthony water
29. spirea, limemound
30. Rose, the fairy ( trained as standard)
31. Boxwood, dwarf
Some of these herbs in this design I have never heard of and couldn't find. If I found then they way to expensive for me to get. I did happen to find some seeds to some of them but they didn't come up or even sprout...I have learned alittle since then, I might try again with these seeds I came across. But I have decided I want these 2 beds mainly perennials in so I don't have to keep replanting them

These are what the beds look like now
 and here is the map

I also have some irises and daffodils plant in bed B , but just haven't put them on my map yet...
This is what my map looks like today
now I will try the next post about the veggie beds.

These are the beds I am talking about....I have a map that I used last year for them or rather a design

                                                                         ENJOY !


Friday, December 26, 2014

Ahhh Spring....why must you be so far away...

just looked it up on calendar and first day of spring for 2015 is March 20....12 more weeks left of winter...on the calendar that is....

so 3 more months and spring....at least for here in Missouri....
oh I can`t wait until Spring time, how I love the feel of warm soil on my hands the digging in the dirt the planting seeds and watching them grow...planting flowers from seeds and planting them from bulbs...and watching them spring from the ground....

I have received two seed catalogs so far ...looking forward to ordering hopefully. but if not it is nice to look and dream...and look at all of the pretty flowers and veggies one can grow....

ooh to see the first signs of spring ....I cant wait...
cant wait to see if the tulips and daffodils I planted come up
I just cant wait...
besides planting some of my Rose of Sharon's seeds I collected as well and going to farmers market.Seeing my yellow hollyhocks I planted this year if they are truly yellow or another color since I got them at Wal-Mart....
seeing all the pretty flowers in my garden and everywhere else...
planting those seeds I traded for...
well bye for now...

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

no title really....just sharing...

I was looking thru some of my pictures of my garden and decided why not share a few with you from this past year...since I cant really do any gardening except for maybe adding beds but not really planting anything....so thought I post just some pictures of the garden that were established this year...

                                               this area of the garden is new this year
                               in both of the pictures above are without the two long veggie beds
                                        don't have a name for this area of the garden
                       was thinking maybe veggie land, since it has two long beds of veggies

two of the roses that was planted in this area of the garden this year...maid of honor and golden showers...both climbing roses....I just love roses...

                                               I have 3 pots like these in this area of the garden this year
with marigolds and tomatoes............just love me some tomatoes....nothing better

first time planting potatoes this year...

just another rose for this area of the garden
Snowfire is the name of it.
added a kitchen sink to this area as well have planted ice plant in one side of it

this is the area of the garden back when the grass was growing and had veggies in it....
well enough for now just got a flower catalog and have to look thru it...
so Enjoy these pictures

Saturday, December 20, 2014

redoing things in garden....

I am always moving things around in the garden, redoing some beds to make them somewhat different in appearance....
This morning since the weather was tolerable and I felt better then I did yesterday, I worked in the upper portion of the garden area...in which has two long beds of veggies I plant every year this area of the garden I started the two long beds this past year....plus this area of the garden also has 2 grape vines and some blackberry briers...plus roses a few other plants that are perennial...
now for some changes I have made in this area of the garden

First off I decided to work on the entryway from this area of the garden to the next small area of blackberry lane...making a pathway in between the toilet and the t-post...yes I said toilet....I have moss rose planted in the tank of the toilet and mums planted in the bowl of it, didn't do very good....so maybe next year I will plant something different in the bowl portion of it..

I removed the landscape timber and lined the bed with rocks instead, hopefully eventually the rocks will go and I will have some type other edging...I am happy with this for right now..
I have a sink buried in the ground by the toilet with some succulents planted in it...hopefully they survived the winter, if not I will have to replant them as that is what I want planted in this area
now the other corner or entryway into the blackberry lane

Nest I worked on this bed, wanting a pathway from this area to the blackberry lane area of the garden...this is in the same area/room as the toilet...on the other corner...in this bed
that way I can have two ways from this area of the garden to get into blackberry lane
First I tried the landscape timber I took from in front of the toilet and put there....I don't like it

Just another view of the landscape timber...
So this is how it looks now...the bed on the left is edged with rocks...

just another view from further back the landscape timber is now in front of a bed that I am trying to just plant yellow/ orange in...

                                                   just another view of the new entry way....

just another view of the entry way....those shrubs in this picture are crimson barberry....just planted them in the blackberry lane this year....in which just planted this year and expanded as well to include blackberry lane...

These irises will have to be moved so the entry way can be here....I planted them earlier in the spring when I planted the lilacs here as well before the blackberry lane was even thought of...they will be moved....somewhere else but not today...

Here is a look at Blackberry lane...I have irises planted in between each blackberry brier...
I hope you enjoy!

Monday, December 15, 2014

update on garden...

it has been raining /cloudy here so have been spending most of my time indoors....but this weekend I have been busy working in the garden....yes you guess it working on the angel garden...

I have decided to give a few steps to the garden, a upper portion and lower portion as you will...
I have never built steps before, but I went and watched a few youtube videos on it so...

This is the first step, I still need to fill it in better....
will be two beds on the side is what I am thinking right now....on the upper portion by the steps.
been working on clearing this out as well...upper portion of angel garden....thinking on putting a big rock and 3 wooden crosses...in there as well
the chickens really loved the pulled grass, I didn't like the blackberry briers I put my hands on or rather fingers on...

thought you might be interested in what I have been digging up in the garden....the new garden area anyways....
Glass, not just clear , but colored as well.nails, a hammer top. some old metal
am planning on trying my hand a making stepping stones this next year and planning on putting the glass and some of the other things I find in the stepping stones...
I also added a couple of new signs...using the old lattice
the one above says Blackberry fields...

Then this one is strawberry fields...
it just didn't work the way I wanted to ...
the two different areas of the garden are named, Blackberry fields and strawberry fields...I wanted to let anyone walking thru the garden know they are headed into either blackberry fields or strawberry fields...maybe I needed to make it somewhat bigger with bigger lettering but I up cycled the lattice pieces...
oh well....at least it tried it...

Thursday, December 11, 2014


I have admired poinsettias and have always wanted one. Well got me one the other day at the local Wal-Mart. it was marked way down or I would have gotten one....paid just .50 cents for it....only got one ...
While I was looking thru another workbasket magazine for two of my other blogs I came across this article about poinsettias....

This article was in the workbasket of Dec 1984.
so hopefully the poinsettia that I got will survive the whole year....with these tips from the article...

Monday, December 8, 2014

Sweet Peas..

This article on Sweet peas was taken from the workbasket of 1986 , so don't know if the addresses at the end of the article are still selling sweet peas....
Just thought since its somewhat winter here in the Ozarks, might put some old articles on plants on here....
I have only grown peas once in the garden here...I didn't have much luck with them, but then again at the time my garden space was very good and neither was my ground I planted them in...and my chickens at the time was roaming around as well....maybe that may have had something why the didn't produce for me....,
oh Well, maybe I will plant them again sometime ...maybe next year I don't know....haven't really been thinking about what kind of veggies I will grow next year....been thinking flowers and what to plant in the Angel Garden....
Maybe I need to start thinking of veggies...hmmmm
that is another post on what I plan on planting for next years garden...veggie and flower wise....