
Spring is Here, Spring is Here

Monday, August 31, 2015

Day 241....hectic day...

I went to the doctor and found out nothing but a few things was mention....Got labs....need a mri but cant afford it....found out later that mother in law is going down hill....

here are the pics for the day

A beautiful sunrise for one hectic day

flowers I seen today
this will be all that I post today
so I can absorb some of the things that went on today
I hope you all

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Day 240..storms...

I woke to storms this beautiful Sunday morning...God sure has blessed us in all of this rain this year and lower then normal temps as well

                              As you can see we got a total of 1 1/2 inches this morning
                                 so that makes a total of 2 inches for this weekend

Blackberry lily
with morning glories in the background
I took this pic and then the cameras batteries died
so I hope you all

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Day 238....

Behind again....yesterday was a very hectic day...helped father in the law get a car to the shop, went to town.....been busy.....



                                                         Don't know the name of this plant

                                        picked it up at a yard sale....

                                                   I hope you all

Day 239...rain

I woke up to some rain felling on the roof and some thunder...
Later I checked my Rain gauge...and we got 4/10ths....

I planted up some more irises in plastic milk jugs....
here are the pics I took today...

a few toadstools popping up

Purple Rose of Sharon

odd shape green pepper
first grapes harvest...
they didn't make it to the house
the vine is about 3 years old

just a rose
I hope you all

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Day 237....

Today I went to the doctor only to be told ...it would be better to do an actual visit rather then a walk-in...so ..I scheduled one for next week.....will post info about it next week sometime when I know answers.
then on the way home I heard my hubby put something on the local call in swap show on the radio...., needless to say they was giving away two build your own burgers at McDonalds....we won.....

                                                 morning glory with friend

I think maybe this might bloom some other time besides the morning

white Rose of Sharon

                                                            moss rose

I swear these mums were yellow last year
they are like the daisy type mums

this rose was just wanting a pic

my build my own burger...
it was yummy
I hope you all

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Day 236....

This morning was another cool, fall like morning...loving it...I get to go into more my garden more at least until my back and legs get to bad....

one of my bantam cochins

finally I got tomatoes ripen
note to self, don't plant morning glories close to tomatoes
have to look under the vines to find the tomatoes

peaches on the tree that I wanted to cut down
I hope you all

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Day 235...a cool morning...

It has been very cool in the evening....around here...I wonder how all this rainy weather will affect the tree color this fall....yes it technically still summer......I don't know if I posted but over the weekend we got a 1/2 inch of rain.....

                                                  morning glories, only one side of them are blooming
                                          planted some on both sides of the angel garden looking
                                    towards the naivety

planted up some iris
I didn't really know where to put them at right now
sop cut the tops off milk jugs and planted them there

                                               worked on this bed alittle this morning until
                                      I started hurting badly


                                                          Moss Rose

sunflowers this morning

                                                        Grasshopper on the Indian corn

another ear of Indian corn
I am thinking about growing this again, but a variety that you can eat and tastes good.
I hope you all

Monday, August 24, 2015

Day 234...hectic day....

it has been one of those days...Woke up went to town....with a headache....needless to say this post is late ....

we got a total of 1/2 inch of rain for the weekend...

Eddie the rooster, one of three that are loose all of the time

Rose of sharon

hen and her babies
a sweet potato vine a friend gave me

maid of honor rose

Splash bantam cochin hen

                                                  I picked up these seed packets this morning
                                     14 of them to be exact for under a 1.00

                                          Well I am tired and getting ready to go to bed
                                                              I hope you all


Sunday, August 23, 2015

day 233...woke up to storms....

Yes, that's right another stormy/rainy morning here on the farm.....but the sun is out now....

clouds from last night

hen and her chicks

pumpkin in bloom

                                                         a updated of pic of the cactus

I have mushrooms growing by the butterfly bush
I hope you all

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Day 232....rainy/stormy

I woke up to storms this morning, thunder , lightning....only 2/10 of rain in the rain gauge....,
Here are the pics I took in between the showers/storms

                                    the morning glory has taken over one of the climbing roses
                                        and working on taking over this one as well

still haven't seen this morning glory bloom


a few cannas in bloom

late surprise

                                          the two kinds of basil....

                                                  I hope you all