Since I have decided to redo all of my beds in concrete/cinder blocks
I have started with the upper angel garden
I almost got this bed done, I am thinking
I will make this two beds instead of one long bed
the revamping part
I am taking this bed apart and decided I can put more plants in this area
so I am making two long beds
ok maybe more then just two beds ,but two beds are a start
maybe three across, who knows maybe more...
I am always expanding
Remember the butterfly bush
it is now in the lower part of the angel garden
how about looking at other parts of the garden
the peach trees are all in bloom
the veggie bed in Strawberry fields
this bed is coming along nicely
onions planted on each end
Then down the middle radishes and lettuce on both sides of that
then on this end is 2 celery plants
I have never planted celery this is a first for me here
another veggie bed
on the far end is two tator towers
then onions planted in the middle and lettuce on each side
Well that is all of the pics I took today
maybe tomorrow I will take a few more around the garden since everything is sprouting up
We are due for some rain in the morning
and it is you know me I will try and get out in the garden for abit
well that is all for now
so I hope you all