
Spring is Here, Spring is Here

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Things getting ready to bloom

We lost this or rather the adult cherry tree a few years ago and the roots were still there, at least some of them...a cherry tree came up in the spot so we left it...
looks like this year we might get a couple of cherries( sour cherries)
While looking around the garden this morning
I came across this bloom bud...
blackberry bloom bud...I do believe it is way to early for this

one of my azaleas are getting ready to bloom as well
Well that is all for now
so I hope you all ENJOY!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


tulips, first the ones in front of Snowfire tea rose

these are in front of gold glow tea rose

These are in the back of a strawberry patch
well that's all of the tulips I have
so I hope you all ENJOY!

Monday, March 28, 2016

no title really....

I hope everyone had a great Easter
We were suppose to get some rain and be cold
We got the cold , but no rain and frost last night
this is one of the beds in the upper portion of the angel garden
I just planted a new tea rose named * New Day*
I got it at Wally world so hopefully it will be what it says it is
Girly girl got me one as well named * Paradise*
I planted them both this morning and also put the two cinder blocks in place
in the bed behind the bed shown

I do believe I have a few of these volunteer tomato plants
                                                 lilac is about ready to bloom, at least this one is

                                   Well that is all for now, so I hope you all ENJOY!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

revamping a bed

                 Since I have decided to redo all of my beds in concrete/cinder blocks
                 I have started with the upper angel garden
                                               I almost got this bed done, I am thinking
                                         I will make this two beds instead of one long bed

the revamping part
I am taking this bed apart and decided I can put more plants in this area
so I am making two long beds
ok maybe more then just two beds ,but two beds are a start
maybe three across, who knows maybe more...
I am always expanding

                                                Remember the butterfly bush
                                              it is now in the lower part of the angel garden

                                                  how about looking at other parts of the garden

the peach trees are all in bloom
the veggie bed in Strawberry fields
this bed is coming along nicely
onions planted on each end
Then down the middle radishes and lettuce on both sides of that
then on this end is 2 celery plants
I have never planted celery this is a first for me here

another veggie bed
on the far end is two tator towers
then onions planted in the middle and lettuce on each side
Well that is all of the pics I took today
maybe tomorrow I will take a few more around the garden since everything is sprouting up
We are due for some rain in the morning
and it is Easter...so you know me I will try and get out in the garden for abit
well that is all for now
so I hope you all


Wednesday, March 23, 2016


one of my tulips decided to bloom today
 hmm I love to daydream about my garden

one of my double daffodils
I just love the color of yellow in the Spring
its like saying hello sunshine how are ya today
I hope you all ENJOY!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Where are you spring?

 A little Snow this morning...luckly it didn't stick to the ground much...but I guess it did looking at the hens and chicks.
As I walked and looked thru my garden and uncover the plants I covered last night ...I didn't see any damage....I really didn't see any frost this morning....but will still cover up the plants I covered last night tonight...then warm weather for about 2-3 days...

 well enough for now so I hope you all enjoy !

Friday, March 18, 2016

Calling spring...

This weekend has turned cold, or rather will be cold....Spring begins on Sunday and we are suppose to have frost on all three nights...
peach tree is starting to bloom

this plum tree is all leafed out

iris getting ready to bloom

                                                           tiger lilies sprouting up
Where , where did you go spring

             I have decided to plant all of my no name irises in rows...
                           of course their will be beds sorta of.. anyway...rows with walkways
                   in between ...camo girl want walkways so she didn't have to walk thru or around
                  the rows to get to the other side....
                      this just one small section done....three rows of 5....

                                 Well that is all for now so
                                        I hope you all Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


row of them

                                                so many different varieties of daffodils....
                                                          different colors as well

                                           here in the Ozarks we plant them in the fall, 
                                   patiently wait( inpatient sometimes) for them to
                                                             bloom in the spring

                             I hope you all Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

is it spring yet?

Everything seems to think it is Spring for some reason

                                                         daffodils say its spring
                                             We have heard the peepers for a few nights/days
                                        seen bluebirds, butterfly's

some of my peonies, rather all of them are sprouting up

frogs say its Spring
just a look at the veggie beds now
onions, lettuce, radishes in this bed say its spring

both of these beds say its spring
We have had beautiful days saying its spring, but calendar
 says other wise
towards the end of the week cold weather is back
I hope you all

Saturday, March 5, 2016


trying something different this year
I planted my blue potatoes in a tire
added some compost type dirt
now waiting until they sprout up and add some more

lilac is budding out
plum and peach trees I planted last year are budded out

I uncovered these strawberries
hopefully I didn't do it to early

                                                      Planted two new raspberry plants
                                                    Brandywine and Amily

got these two bed planted some in veggie land

dug up some of my irises
then planted them in a row here

and here
well I hope you all ENJOY!