
Spring is Here, Spring is Here

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

sweet area of my garden May 2018

Here is the May tour of my Sweet /pathway to salvation area of my garden .....I know its not May!


but go ahead and watch my vlog

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Three sisters

Today vlog is about planting the three sisters way, by planting corn,pole beans, and squash.
First you plant your corn( I used canna bulbs and corn), then when your corn is about 1 inch high plant pole beans close to the corn...plant the squash( pumpkin ) in the middle of your patch....


here I explain it alittle better and show you....

be sure to follow the link and like and subscribe

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Starting some plants

You ever wonder how to start plants from just a cutting.....

watch my vlog and find out...


be sure to like and subscribe

Stepping stones....

I have been making Stepping stone for my garden, ( Angel garden, lower) plus the bricks for the plant labels...I recently bought a stepping stone thru Amazon...Third party thru Amazon...


Here's the vlog about the it....please be sure to go and watch it! plus like and subscribe to my channel

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

planting some peppers

Everyone needs peppers in their garden, at least I doo.....
You say you don't know how to plant peppers, well watch my vlog on the subject


Be sure to like and subscribe while you are on youtube...


Monday, June 4, 2018

daylilies, daylilies

I ordered some daylilies from Gilbert Wild.....
now let me show you how to plant if ordering form here..


these were mainly on the clearance list on their website....

Saturday, June 2, 2018

bush beans

Since I plnted pole beans,,,you know I needed bush beans as well....
Here is my youtube vlog on the subject.....


Be sure to go and watch!

Friday, June 1, 2018

poke greens

What are poke greens? Poke greens are a green that is grown wild...and picked and eaten....
right now they are growing here in the Ozarks....

here is my youtube vlog on the subject


you need to go and watch it!
I even give a tip on using carpet for your garden paths.....