
Spring is Here, Spring is Here

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Day 31

We are suppose to have rain today...this evening and possibly winter mix...as of yet
so here are few pictures for today...some are in the garden

I have a few tomatoes coming up beefsteak
I started these couple of weeks ago
Just thought these two garden figurines needed to be put on each side of this shrub, this is one of the beds I will be working on planting in this year.

Just thought this branch looked kinda of cool this morning
this is on my crimson barberry plant

I think these are either buds or something else on these shrubs, I got last year
they was full grown plants.
possible Rhododendron, don't know for sure

Just a look at a creek today, this creek is about 20 minutes from the house

just another view
now looking the on the other end of the creek

just another view of the creek....
I hope you all

Friday, January 30, 2015


This blog will be all about trees, I know silly thing to blog about.
Trees are majestic they keep us warm in the winter( those of us that burn wood), shade our homes in the summer, protect us from the sun sometimes, are beautiful to look at the spring , the ones that flower, some even produce food to nourish our bodies....are beautiful in the fall all those gorgeous colors that their leaves turn...orange, different hues of brown,yellow, reds.....
So that is why I say trees for this blog.....

This tree has been in the back field since we live here, yes I did take a walk to take some pictures of some trees.....

We will never stand alone!


Just a couple different view of these trees

I had fun taking this one....the dogs were trying to check and make sure I was ok....I was laying on the ground
I hope you all

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Day 29....my garden...other things...

It is getting cold and windy today and I have a few things to do today to be in the garden that much today....the wind is blowing out of the North, brrrrrr

                                                   Here are the picture I took this morning

                                                    A view of the upper portion of the angel garden

The bed I worked on yesterday during the nice weather

Some of the rocks I dug up

just an another view of the future island bed in the upper portion of the angel garden

am thinking about taking a few more of these rock towers down, but right now just thinking about it

some more of my tulips are starting to show their little leaves
These are a few pictures I took today, as I said earlier it is a busy day today, tomorrow will be busy as well
I hope you all

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

what I worked on yesterday...day 28

Since it was so nice yesterday and not very much wind...today is a different story here very windy but it is suppose to be in the upper 60s

I finally got a bath tub in my garden, a baby`s bathtub, I buried it some in the ground yesterday, the rocks around it were the rocks I dug up while I digging a hole to put in the ground alittle...
then cleaned out under the a few of the rabbits cages yesterday and put that in there...

I measured out the length of the island garden where the rock is to almost the edge of the building is where it will end....I dug up some of the grass yesterday in this area also dug up a wild blackberry brier as well...I was working in the shade and then wanted to soak up some of the sunshine so I started working on another area.

This is the next area I started working on , digging up the grass in this bed....that grass sure does have some strong roots that run thru out the ground and deep as well....

I put chicken wire around the bottom of the bed....am wanting to put some hens and chicks plants in between the wire holes...

This is what I did so far this morning, I divided up some rose of Sharon`s and some tiger lilies, and planted up some beef steak tomatoes,.....I also planted a purple plum seed

This is the next tiger lilies to be planted up , these are from last year.....so will be planting these up soon....right now I am out of room to put them at.
I sure do need a greenhouse for all these plants, hopefully this year I can get one
I am going to go and work outside in the wind and enjoy the sunshine
I hope you all

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Day 27

I cant believe it `s been 27 days of my New Years resolution taking a picture everyday....
It is beautiful outside today, so first off today I took a few pictures of the garden, then took a walk...after I get done posting this blog I will be going outside to enjoy this beautiful day....

Here is the area I worked on yesterday for about an hour
upper portion of the Angel garden

Tulips are starting to sprout their wee little
 leaves up

                                         A few of the daylilies are starting to turn green

Just another tulip
now for the walk
The start of t he walk
this field is across from the house

many a woman has used one of these, in the past...
an old washer

just a view down the road I took this morning

                                                                 A old house and barn

the barn at the above old house,
if these old building could talk, oh the stories they could tell

just a pond near the old house and barn
yes that is a dog taking a swim on the far end
Bandit jumped right in

another old barn on my walk
I hope you all

Monday, January 26, 2015

day 26...

just a scenic view  on my walk....

a old house...
I sure will be glad when the garden is up and running so I can take some more pictures of the flowers/veggies and things along that nature...
Its still winter here in the Ozarks,
I want to see green and warm sunshine
Today the sun is shining, so will be going out into the garden to piddle with some things , since the weather is tolerable today..
I hope you all

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Day 25

sorry about the blurriness of a few pictures
another rose of Sharon sprouting up
will be either pink or purple

Some tiger lilies sprouting up
I think I need to separate these
besides doing it to the other year old plants that I have outside

                                                 A mixed daylily popping up out of the soil

A Rose of Sharon, waiting until they get a couple more leaves before
they are able to go to their new home.

Some of the aloe I have planted up
This is what I worked on yesterday, cleaning this area up
am thinking about putting an island garden bed here....this is in the upper portion of the Angel garden
I wanted to work on it today as well, but its raining now...
took these pictures before the rain hit.

   I had to reassemble the bed, since the rain knocked down....I am needing to anchor it in some way.....I think this is how this bed will look.....

another view of what I worked on yesterday...
I had a few helpers as usual, Tux

I had to redo this as well, hopefully after I anchored it yesterday...it will stay up..
I also piled some dirt on it and braced it with a rock on each side

                                Just another view of the upper portion of the Angel garden

These are things I dug up yesterday in the upper portion of the angel garden, as well as some glass
am trying to think of some way to use them in the garden for display of sorts...
I hope you all